Friday, June 17, 2011

Demons Just Wanna Have Fun

I did it.  I put my book Demons Just Wanna Have Fun up on Smashwords and Amazon.  Amazon is still looking it over, but it's available for download from Smashwords already.  Now that I've managed to calm my excitement somewhat, (I published my first novel.  How cool is that?) I can relate my experience.

Publishing to Amazon was easier to do.  I didn't have any trouble with it, and the preview looked like my .prc file.  Smashwords proved more difficult.  The short description did me in.  When they say 400 characters, they mean 400 characters.  And every time I had to fix something I missed, I had to browse for my cover and my file again.  The actual process still took less than five minutes, and the bubbling joy at seeing my book available minutes after I'd uploaded made up for any trouble I had.

To celebrate my new status as a published author.  I have a coupon for Demons Just Wanna Have Fun.  I hope you all enjoy it!

 Promotional price: $1.02
Coupon Code: HC36A 
Expires: June 19, 2011

Be sure to write the coupon code down before clicking over to Smashwords!  Regular price is $2.99.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I've been told two things over and over again: indie authors need to network and readers need a way to contact you.  Alright so, I have a twitter account and an author page on facebook.  Was that enough?  Not according to those in the know.  So now I have this shiny new blog where I can post up info on my e-books and anything else that skitters across my mind.

My first novel will be published on the 19th of this month through Amazon and Smashwords.  I wrote it back in 2009, and thanks to a blog post from Dean Wesley Smith, I decided to publish it. (If you haven't read his blog, I highly recommend it.  You can find the link over there to the right.)  If you enjoy Demons Just Wanna Have Fun, feel free to drop me a line and let me know.  If you don't- I've been promised you won't come after me with sticks or stones, so let's stick with that. K?  Thanks.

My goal is to update this blog at least once a week.  People standing in my way- four kids on summer break.  That's right, the school year is up and it's time for fun in the sun.  Or rain, in our case as we've been waterlogged the last couple of weeks.  Summer vacation has reduced my writing time to early morning and late evening.  What does that mean?  Glad you asked.  It means if I can't concentrate to write a blog post while my darlings are running around and generally creating havoc, I won't be posting on a regular day.  Oh wait, I said once a week, not once a day, right?  Yeah, it won't be on any particular day.

If you've managed to make it this far through and are a reader, I hope you enjoy my work.  I'll have a short story up soon for free, right here on this shiny new blog.  If you're an author, you can read it too, I don't mind.  But you might find the links to the right helpful.  I know I did.